

angel dark: Pizza I tried to live on nothing but cheese pizza and beer for two years and I ended up in rehab. I wouldn’t recommend that as a diet to anybody. There’s nothing nutritious about a pizza. You get a bit of tomato sauce and a bit of cheese and that’s it. I’ve tasted pizza all over the world. Stockholm, Sweden, has really high-class pizza and I don’t know why. It’s weird, but it’s like really fancy food in a lot of gourmet restaurants. It’s a lot better than anywhere in Italy. Then again, Chicago deep dish is great. You eat one slice of that and you can live for a week. Those are great, but I’ve always had a weakness for cold microwaveable pizzas. It’s really ghetto, but I lived off them for years. Rambo A lot of blues guitar players like B.B. King always give their guitars names like Lucille or whatever. I tend to name all my guitars after Sylvester Stallone characters. A few years ago, I was in this novelty store in Poland and they had these really low-grade, bootleg stickers that had pictures of Rocky on them, but they said Rambo. So when I bought my first Gibson guitar I named it Rambo after the sticker. Since then, I’ve gotten guitars with names like Tango and Cash and Sheriff Freddy Heflin from Cop Land. Ozzy HIM was formed through a mutual love of Black Sabbath. I was born in 1976, so I grew up during Ozzy’s hair-metal period—I didn’t even know that Sabbath existed before then. I learned about Ozzy first. He’s a funny, peculiar character with a lot of great stories. I did a photo shoot for a magazine a few years back with Slash and Ozzy. I was very nervous about meeting him, but he came into the room and was such a lovely gentleman. All the really classy rockers don’t have anything to prove so they don’t have to act like snobs when it comes to young musicians. Slash was one of the most gentlemanly figures I ever met in my life. So was Iggy Pop. It’s great how they can be nice guys and then transformed when they're on stage. They know how to control the beast within. Junk Collection I’m a collector, so I have a lot of shit. I never throw anything away. I collect the ‘Do Not Disturb’ signs from hotels. I have a few hundred. I’m trying to figure out a way to turn them into a piece of art. It would be pretty cool because I have signs from all over the world and the designs are fairly original because we’re not always staying in chain hotels. It’s not just Hiltons or Holiday Inns—it’s all weird hotels and motels. I also collect plastic bags from all the different stores I go to around the world. Usually when I fly home after a tour my suitcase is filled with plastic bags. I don’t know what the fuck the custom officers are thinking when they’re checking out my luggage, because it’s just empty plastic bags. Monster Magnet ‘Wall of Fire’ by Monster Magnet from their latest album called 4-Way Diablo has the greatest rock lyric of the past 10 years. The song starts with, ‘Well I’m back and I’ve got a cock made out of platinum.’ That restored my faith in rock ’n’ roll. Monster Magnet lead singer Dave Wyndorf is so great when it comes to writing lyrics. Rock ’n’ roll is one of those things where people tend to do so much of the same old, same old. It’s very repetitious. It’s so rare that somebody can nail the fucking sexual energy—the devilish, rebellious urge of rock ’n’ roll—in a few sentences and Monster Magnet has always been able to do that, especially on that track. It blew me away.

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Донна Роза д,Альвадо: гостья пишет: Я коллекционер, поэтому у меня много всякого дерьма. Я никогда ничего не выкидываю Да, Вилле, мы помним во что ты превратил свою старую квартиру, продолжай в том же духе гостья пишет: Даже не знаю, что думают таможенники, когда проверяют мой багаж – там исключительно пустые пластиковые пакеты. Ржут, наверное да... уж... каждый сходит с ума по-своему........ мотается по всему миру, а из поездок привозит исключительно пластиковые пакеты А мы тут ломаем голову, чё он там дарит своим на Рождество Вот горшой пустой, он - предмет простой, он никуда не денется А потому горшок пустой гораздо выше ценится

summerwine: Наро кароч вопрос!!!!!!!За 40 минут до выхода Виля финскому каналу закулисную аудиенцию давал)))) или я чтот пропустила.... или этого видео пока не было???Никто ниче не встречал??? Пасиб я туплю ответ получен))

Bloody Scarlett: summerwine пишет: За 40 минут до выхода Виля финскому каналу закулисную аудиенцию давал)))) Кста, вот перевод неполный этого ивью с финского... (нагло слямзила из комментсов ) 1: Could you have imagined that Helldone is going to become a three days lasting festival?: Absolutely not, this suprises everytime/ What plans do you have for the year 2008?: Ville says he is going to do something to the new law against bar smoking in Finland, he tells how shitty it is in every way, and blaablaa / Then discussion about year 2008, it challenges the band in many ways because of the piratism in music etc 2: Ville says that artists are mostly making money by touring, and when they have their music played in the radio, and by selling t-shirts (now I translate that quote that I sent: "whe are like a gypsy-caravan travelling over the world selling rags", it's funnier in finnish) 3: What is the biggest challenge for Him this year? V: To write a few new songs and stand, it's weird to be home after a long time of touring and to be able to eat ice cream whenever I want without Seppo Vesterinen knocking in my back saying: "Ville get away from the refrigirator!" 4: What is Ville's promise for the starting year? V: to read more because it's always a good thing, to eat healthier after his going to loose that in the future because of the food therapist, and to not swear. Making promises for yourself is stupid because you change nearly every day. You can make little promises after building up a family 5: What was the highlight moment for Him in the last year? V: I got a good picture of an owl who lives in my tower, picture became one of the pics on the VD-album, making the record after all the work, there are so many highlight moments. "Highlight moment, it comes and it goes". Анджел, Гостья спасибо за ивью и перевод!!!

Vivien Lee: Bloody Scarlett Супер,спасибо за дополнение!

IGGY POP : Пластиковые Пакеты Убийцыыыыыыы!!!!!

Vivien Lee: IGGY POP че пугаш,на ночь?

Bloody Scarlett: Vivien Lee , не за что, солнышка

Vivien Lee: Bloody Scarlett мелочь,а приятно...спасибо!

Wicked_Girl: гостья пишет: Я собираю таблички «Не беспокоить» из отелей. У меня уже несколько сотен. Я пытаюсь сделать их чем-то вроде искусства. гостья пишет: Кроме того я коллекционирую пластиковые сумки/пакеты из разных магазинов по всему миру. идиот гостья пишет: Песня начинается «Ну вот я и вернулся и мой член сделан из платины». Эти строчки вернули мою веру в рок-н-ролл. из платины...он себе наверное такой же хочет.."Пааааапааааа!Подааарииии!" нет,ну точно идиот совсем свихнулся наш Валеный гостья,пасибки огромные за перевод!

PoisonGirl: unikalnaya, воть:

unikalnaya: PoisonGirl спасибо, дарлинг! я этого не видела..

PoisonGirl: unikalnaya, всегда пожалуйста, солнц!

summerwine: PoisonGirl Ой не могу сотреть((( Виля тут как смщенный фанат.... аж обидно както))) и чего эт у него тут такое лицо неоднозначное!!!

Wicked_Girl: summerwine пишет: чего эт у него тут такое лицо неоднозначное!!! лицо у него практически всегда неоднозначное

summerwine: Wicked_Girl пишет: лицо у него практически всегда неоднозначное Та я в плане потерянное.....(((((( выглядит как его фанатки когда боятся подойти и испуганно взирают чуть не в инфарктном состоянии!!!

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