Ôîðóì » HIM â ÑÌÈ » TASTEIT TV – Picking Ville Valo’s brain » Îòâåòèòü

TASTEIT TV – Picking Ville Valo’s brain

La Murka: popravki privetstvujutsia TASTEIT TV – Picking Ville Valo’s brain, special guest: his ghost. December 2007 Part1 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=O3sjwsJ8KWQ [more]- Tasteit TV. We really wanna see the person behind the artist. I don’t mean that who you are daily or all that stupid crap. We just wanna know what you think and where your music and inspiration come from. Because for us that’s what a real artist is. - Yeah, for me too, you know. I grew up with Black Sabbath and they’re always the same characters on and off stage, and same, I’m big fan of Neil Young; and he’s the same character, you know. I do love Kiss and David Bowie, and I do like some aspects of let’s say of Marilyn Manson, for example. But I never wanted to be a part of that thing that you would wear a mask to become an artist or have character, like Alice Cooper, that kind of thing. I’m not that much into theatrics and I’m not an actor myself. You’re just (???) a bit on acoustic guitar, writing a few songs, and then, hopefully, one day perform them in front of people. The word “artist”, it’s got two angles today. In some people it, kind of like, evokes an idea of a self-centered, pseudo-rebellious person who doesn’t give a flying F about politics of the world or anything besides themselves. And then again, it’s (???) kinda challenging character that challenges the whole world, in a sense, so…I don’t like the word ‘artist’. You know, it’s just a word, which is hard to categorize, anyway. Because, what is an artist? And… (zhurnalistka pytaetsia vstavit svoji piat kopejek) and how- Sorry about that – And how do you separate entertainment from art, or life from art, you know, life imitating art or art imitating life, that kind of thing. - I think art needs to be real and it needs to come from emotions, to me- that’s art. - Yeah, in that sense life itself is very art form, you know. Every creature, every human being is a piece of art, everybody‘s got a story to tell, everybody’s got a different (???) to their work, and usually for a reason, if you know what I’m saying. In that sense, it’s like on an atomic level, even genetics, you know, even your genes, DNA, that’s part of art, you can go that far very easily and it’s not negative thing at all. But, in that sense, how do you define art, you know, when we’re talking about (kakoe to imia) selling his pieces of spank for like hundred thousands (??). So, that’s kind of like the challenging part of it. And, I can’t remember, it was probably Oscar Wilde saying that when two businessmen get together for a dinner what they discus about art, or when the artists get together for a dinner they discuss about money. So, it’s one of those things. It’s hard to define the line when it becomes art and when it doesn’t. So, in that sense, you know, I don’t care. I just have the great opportunity of writing music and being able to see a lot of places in the world through traveling and touring, so… If it’s art, I’m fine about it, if it’s not I’m fine about it too. - Ok, maybe I worded it wrong… - No no no. By the way, that’s a fascinating topic to discuss about, because a lot of people see art as a kind of a shield, like a mask they’re wearing, that they don’t have to apply to the rules of society. - I never saw art like that. To me art was the most honest thing that existed. - Sure. Yes, but then again everything was art for (Dali ??), at the end of the day he was great entertainer. And to a certain extent if you take entertainment as far as lets say Kiss – it is art. It’s pop-art, maybe. And what’s the difference of pop-art and art? (?? Neponiatnoe predlozhenie) or his movie about a guy sleeping for 8 hours. (??) if you just, if you verbally talented enough you could turn this conversation into an art piece. And we can make it art. If you know what I’m saying. It’s just a matter of the angle how we’re viewing what we’re doing here at this particular moment of time. - What is pain for you? - Well, you know, to a certain extent when it comes to art our music or expressing ourselves is one of the things in this world in this modern times, you know, everybody’s probably said that for the past 2000 years that pain is a reminder of that you live, in a way. - What causes your pain? - Oh, what causes my pain? Eh, watching the news. There’s a lot of painful stuff happening in this world. You know, obviously, there’s a lot of thing being personal and a lot of things I don’t wish to talk about, because in the case of me talking about particular painful things that cause me to write a song I would destroy the image that people have created of couple of our songs. And that’s the beauty behind the book versus movie, that you can make your imagination work. Or, finding one line in the song very important for you in that particular moment in time, for very different reasons that was important for me. And that’s what behind music in general. I don’t know where (imia) was looking for from what he wrote the lyrics of Paranoid. And I can still feel my own feelings through that song, and I guess that that’s the important thing. That’s the song aura, aura (??) can be a catalyst for yourself, subconsciously it alters your state of mind and you get something out for yourself. And I guess, that’s a good thing. And it opens… it gets couple of skeletons out of the closet. - So, you actually want people to be free to interpret your songs. - Yeah, we’ve never been a religious or political band, we don’t have a message, in that sense. So, all the stuff we’ve done was very personal. So, it’s kind of weird also to write at times very personal things, very … you know, stuff that’s very really close to me, and then hide it behind some lyrics, not to be too blunt, and I’m not talking about James. And…and eh… and then see how it affect people so differently. It’s kind of weird, it’s like being (??) man jerking off in public. If you know, kinda the vibe. So, it is weird but…it’s also, you know, I started writing because it’s very cathartic and maybe I didn’t have friend to talk to at that time about me having my heart broken for the first time, or whatever. So, it was very natural for me since I have been playing music to express myself through music, so, and it made me feel better. And that’s what music at its best does, you know. When you’re feeling really bad, the weird thing is that when people feel bad they usually never listen to positive stuff, they always listen to really gloomy and doomy and rocking stuff, it’s like a cathartic thing, they’re experiencing their pain with the artist, maybe from a different angle, on a different level. But still again… - They don’t feel alone… - They don’t feel alone with the bad thing that they have. And then when they’re having a good time that when they’re listening to (???), or whatever. - Yeah yeah yeah. I’ve been talking about good and bad, actually, and wanted to ask you- what do you think of what good and bad is. And I need this because I’ve been thinking a lot about that. I mean, you have these.. you have society, and you have a way that you’re supposed to behave, and then you have a definition of good and ban in society. But I think a lot of pain is caused by the definition of good and bad, because sometimes that’s not the same thing that you’re feeling and –I don’t know if I’m making myself clear… - Yes, you are. - But what is good and bad for you and how did you discover your good and bad? - I guess that’s an ongoing journey, because I still do believe that people learn from their own mistakes and that’s probably the only way you can actually learn. You do something, and all of a sudden, you realize that you’re feeling bad because of it, and that makes you not repeat that thing, which means that everybody does have their own rules of good and bad. And, I was talking to a friend and he was an aspiring archeologist before he turned into journalism, and one of his teachers at school somewhere was, he was studying a little tribe somewhere in the middle of nowhere, in a forest somewhere, I can’t remember where it was in the world, but there were maybe 300 people in the tribe, and before a kid turned, a male turned into a man, I guess I was 15 or 16, before that their routine was, I don’t know how often, was to jerk the granddad off, and that was considered… that was an honour to do that. It wasn’t called molestation what it would be in western world. So it’s kind of weird, especially now when it comes to pornography and violence, videogames. It’s kinda weird that you’re able to, let’s say Lord of the Rings, you’re able to show the beheadings of zillion orks, because – for 12 yea olds– because their blood is black. Originally, I guess they were thinking of making blood red, but because red is kinda a real color of blood it would be for some censorship organization too real. So it’s kind of weird how you define wrong or right, and I still do consider if you watch a film like “Closer”, the drama, it’s a lot more emotionally devastating than seeing a lot of violence, because we are so very descent to violence, we see so much. But, that’s a tough question what’s wrong a right, and you can speculate about that forever. And I guess we still don’t know the answer when we’re (???), that could be the meaning of life trying to define the rights or wrong for you, yourself. That’s an interesting thing, without hurting anybody else. Outside of it that’s nearly impossible but it’s always working.[/more] Part 2 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=yfxEd1c207s&feature=related [more]- Do you think that we need a meaning of life? And is it a word for you? - Some people need a meaning of life as much as God, as they need god. And I don’t. - You don’t need a meaning of life? - Or God. No. I haven't been baptized and I’m coming from a pagan country and I’m very proud of it. I’m trying to find my own way. Meanings of life, they’ve changed completely, you know, depending on the mood. You know, and they are little tiny moments in time, could be when you’re hungry and you can get the best… you know, when you haven’t been eating for 4 days and you get the shittiest hamburger in front of your face – that could be the meaning of life for that particular moment. Or having sex, or writing a great song…And that’s enough, because I don’t necessary believe in linearity of time, when we get to physics, so, you know. I believe in circular motion more than going from the point A to the point B. - You do? - Yeah. - Can you explain that? - Well, if you’re thinking about all the deja-vu’s and, you know, there’s nothing new under the sun, type of thing. I think, the whole historical sense of it is just… I consider this to be a big band, more or less. Yeah, we are, we don’t go anywhere, we just are. But you know there’s a lot of philosophical and scientific stuff on that, and I don’t know enough of that (???). But it’s just an interesting thing. It would just feel stupid to go from point A to point B and serving somebody who doesn’t exist and basing your life around the hottest chic, the hottest car. It would be… For me personally it would feel very empty to base my life around that. But for a lot of people it does work. And, you know, it’s a different thing. We are in situation when we do have electricity, and we’re sitting in this fancy room and we don’t have to worry about our next meal. So, that has an effect on our possibilities of spending maybe too much time thinking about things that don’t really matter. - Do you think that depression also follows from that? - There are various levels of depression, I guess, and various medical interpretations of depression. Depression is like love. There’s no two loves alike, or two depressions alike. You know, depression can be caused by whatever childhood trauma or can be cause by substance abuse or it can be caused by political, you know, crisis within yourself or religious problems. It’s always different when you talk to people, when you’re talking about their getting out of their depression. It’s like, there’s a lot of people turn out to go out, they need to do something very drastic to change their lives. Depression itself, I guess, that it’s a tool as well. It means that something is wrong. It’s like flu, you know. When you work a lot you don’t have the time to suffer from flu or… You know how it is, you work your ass off and then you have a weekend off and you always become ill. I guess mentally that’s more or less the same. And also you know there is, your tension span is so short nowadays, and you get fed with so much information all of the time. You don’t have the time to really, as they say in America - decompress, like, reflect upon all the material that you’ve seen. If you just watch TV for 8 hours in a row there’s so much stuff in there. And especially those people who (???) or then incorporate Internet there, incorporate your work and everything. You’ve got massive and massive amount of information go through your eyes and your ears and your brain all the time. And no wonder people just break down because your brain can’t handle all that information. - I can agree, but on the other hand, what I see on television these days is a lot of fake things, nothing seems to be real anymore. - Well, that’s very depressing, isn’t it? - Yeah - Because... Especially for young people or younger people it can be really hard when you… especially Reality TV life, kind of thing, you know, it’s so… most of is pre-scripted and it’s acted and you could tell it from the angle that you can’t document everything without having hidden cameras everywhere. So, it’s fake reality, but people think it’s reality. So, that’s tough to think about it, it is like being in a Zoo, to a certain extent. People like going to the Zoo and watch dangerous things and apes, they are very close to humans, they watch them from the safe distance with cages in between. There’s just something weird about it, I don’t know why. I don’t watch TV at all; I watch movies. On tours, I like South Park… - Oh, me too. Hihihi - … I didn’t like them at first so much, but they’re so over the top, especially nowadays. Did you see the one with Bono? - Eeh, no I haven’t. - I won’t tell you then. - No? - It’s brilliant; it’s great. It’s just over the top and (???) - Yeah, and they (???), you know, the one that I loved was about terrorism where… (òóò Âàëî íà÷èíàåò å¸ ïåðåáèâàòü è ìíó èõ íå î÷åíü ïîíèìàåò) - There’s couple of thins they cross the line a bit, but, you know, it’s always gets to cross the line to see where you’re at. Especially when it comes to good and bad. You know, like the American National Association for pedophiles, if you saw that one, that’s pretty old one actually. - Is that one with panda, sexually harassed panda? (íàâåðíî ïðî ïàíäó ðå÷ü, à ìîæåò èìÿ ãåðîÿ ìóëüòà) - No, I guess that was a… I can’t remember either. It was from the same season, I guess. It was like (?? Èìÿ ãåðîÿ îïÿòü) was looking for more civilized adult companionship, he considered his friend were too immature. He went on to the Internet and started looking for mature companionship. You know, and he was like :I’m (?5?) years old and I’m looking for mature friend. And obviously that he got the attention of the pedophiles and then he became a post- boy for the pedophiles association, which obviously doesn’t exist. So, they made like (??) out of him and stuff like that, without (èìÿ òîãî ñàìîãî ãåðîÿ) actually realizing who he’s working with. So, that was kinda weird. And also, the one that I saw last night (ñåðèÿ ìóëüòà), with old Catholic priest lusting kids. It was like…a scandal. You know, there’s a lot of good in religion as well, so (??) - You know, the thing I like about South Park is that they tend to show both sides of the story sometimes. They don’t only give their point of view, but they just laugh at it and the let you make up your own mind. - Oh, in that sense it is art what they’re doing, because it does evoke some emotions, negative or positive, and do raise some questions ‘what you’re laughing at it’, and they raise a great question ‘what’s good to laugh at’. Can you laugh at race jokes, can you laugh at handicap people, can you laugh at disasters? I was just watching documentary on the whole humankind being kinda weird in a sense that, for example, when there’s (? army hit?) in Thailand, were less than in 24 hours (è êòî-òî òàì ÷åãî-òî) started making jokes about it, which is kina the human way of coping with the tremendous amount of information you’re fed all the time, and the only possibility to understand some of the pain, the massive universal pain that just happens all the time in the world, there’s so many sick things happening all the time you just got to laugh about it… - True. - But, there are certain lines I wouldn’t cross. You know, laughing at people who die in disasters, you won’t see me doing like 911 jokes. Besides, I did find it very funny that… there was that… I don’t know whether it was the only one, but there was one divorce happened because of 911. There was a married lady who called her husband who was supposed to be working at the building. And he said “yeah, nothing’s wrong; it’s all good’ and he was just fucking his secretary. I consider that to be fairly funny… - Yeah, me too, me too (âîò æå îáèçÿíà èíòåðâüþýðøà) - While the buildings were falling down… ehm… (àæ ñàì çàäóìàëñÿ î ÷åì ýòî îí òðåïåòñÿ è âàùå êàêîé áûë âîïðîñ) But you now, it’s a tough thing. And that’s the good about it and also moralistic kind of a thing – what do you find funny and what you can digest and what not. - Yeah, well that’s also, but I think I need to leave you because I don’t want you to be too late for your show, probably (hihi) - Oh, whatever… - Ah hihihi - We still got a little bit of time, and there’s some other interviews happening as well, so. I was supposed to buy a bass-guitar but I didn’t have the time to go the shop, they’re closing their doors at 6. - Oh. - (?) I find this really cool, 60-ies thing, I’ve been looking that for years, and it’s pretty chip. It’s been modified but still it’s very cool. - Yeah? - Mmh mmh - It’s awesome! Ehm, I’m too scared of the people of the record label that they will cut off my head if I keep you too long. Hihihi - Oh, well, yeah. They haven’t been violent towards us, not yet. - Not towards you, hihi - Oh eh, that’s true, that’s true. There’s few journalists we haven’t seen, after the interviews have been done, they might bury (?) at the graveyard, ?-graveyard somewhere on the outskirts of London. - I hope you will come (?) to leave some flowers on my grave. - Oh, I’ve got my ?-board (ìàãè÷åñêàÿ äîñêà êàê â Áèòòåðñâèò), so I may be in touch with the soul, with the spirit form. I shall call you forth. - Awesome. I will answer. - Ãûãû. Thank you for that. - (??) - Yeah, I got that too. - Did you ever do that, I always wanted to. - No, I never done it. You know, there’s a) I’m not interested; b) I wanna know what I’m doing, because, you know, some people say that it does –either subconsciously, depending on what you’re believing, but it would open up something, so you don’t wanna do that wrong. But I want too, because my house where I live, is supposedly haunted. So, I was thinking if there was the way to help the ghost out, if he’s ok or not. I’ve heard that he’s a good ghost, he’s not doing anything wrong, but I was thinking if he wanted coffee at certain hours, or if he wants the house to be more warm, or if he likes some sort of music or some sort of films. - South Park - You know, South Park, maybe. But the thing is that, you know, since I’m Finnish and all the ?-board are done in America, so we lack the umlauts, we lack the a:s and o:s (ôèííñêèå áóêîâêè ñ òî÷êàìè íà âåðõó) and the weird letters so I’ve been thinking of customizing my own ?-board so that Finnish ghost can communicate in our own language. Because we were speculating upon purgatory just being a place for souls who cannot communicate through the ?-boards because of their language. Imagine, for example, a couple of African tribes that do that – äåëàåò êàêèå òî çâóêè – how would you translate that on ?-boards? - Yeah - So, those people are going to be (?), because when they’re dead the first thing they gotta learn is to understand English, and that’s kinda tough – to start learning a new language when you’re in a spirit form. - Very true (ó íå¸ ÿâíî ïðîïàë äàð ðå÷è îò òàêèõ çàÿâëåíèé). Well I think you’ve found yourself a new colleague there, so after HIM you can start developing ?-boards. - Well, you know, it was a great business back in the 50ies. And maybe there’s gonna be a new rising in the ?-board market. But, we’ll see. They’re just really cool-looking things and I’ve got this one from the E-bay, but that is from really 1900, and that’s the cool thing about it. (?îïèñûâàåò èç ÷åãî äîñêà) but, the cool thing about it is that it’s got a black cat on one corner, a witch on one corner, David star on one corner and swastika on one corner. - Really? - Yeah, and that was the time before Hitler, since in the (??), for example, they’ve used swastika as the symbol of good things and spiritual and eternal things, and they still use it as the symbol of their main bank, and stuff like that. So, it’s just really cool (ðå÷ü îïÿòü î äîñêå) to have a thing that is actually like a hundred year old piece of wood, that is made for calling spirits and it’s got swastika as well. It’s just very intriguing, since you’re… obviously you’re, in your conscious mind swastika does evoke some negative feelings usually, rather than, you know. You might understand this, but the first thing you usually think about is a holocaust. So, it’s just an interesting piece of … You know, they had the company that was called The Swastika in (??), it was vague and they started in 80ies or something, it was kinda weird. It’s a weird combination. And there was somebody in America using that symbol in a way before. (?) - Ok, but I’m really really going to leave you now - Fare enough. Leave me in peace. - Yes - Buagaga - I don’t want to end, but…thank you a lot - Thank you, sweety. - Good luck and have fun at the gig - Oh, it’s the last one, it’ll be fine, it’ll be fine. I’m homesick. - You are? - Yeah, obviously. The ghost is missing me. - Well, have fun with the ghost. - I won’t, I’m not that kind of fun-lover. buagaga[/more]

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Curty: olga2188 ïèøåò: ìîæåò îí îïÿòü ãëþ÷èò ó íàñ äîæäü, âîò èôîëä íàìîê íàâåðíî , ïîïðîáóþ ïîçæå

olga2188: Curty ïèøåò: ó íàñ äîæäü ó íàñ ëèâåíü Çèìà, áëèí, êðåñòüÿíèí òîðæåñòâóåò...

summerwine: Curty ïèøåò: ó íàñ äîæäü, âîò èôîëä íàìîê íàâåðíî , ïîïðîáóþ ïîçæå çà îêíîì ìåòåëü ìåòåò

Emili: ÿ òàì äîáàâèë ÷óòü-÷óòü ê ïåðåâîäó

summerwine: Emili ïèøåò: åñëè âû âîçüìåòå íàïðèìåð ðàçâëåêàëîâî ïî÷åìóò êàææ ðàç ïðè ñëîâå ðàâçëåêàëîâî ìíå êàæåòñÿ ÷òî Âèëü íà Áýìà íàìåêàåò

Emili: summerwine ïèøåò: ÷òî Âèëü íà Áýìà íàìåêàåò õîðîøî õîòü íå ñêàçàë: âîò âîçüìåì ê ïðèìåðó ðàçâëåêàëîâî Âèâà ëÿ Áåìáè - ýòî âåäü òîæå ñâîåãî ðîäà èñêóññòâî

summerwine: Emili ïèøåò: õîðîøî õîòü íå ñêàçàë à òîëüêî ïîäóìàë

Sofi_devil_incarnate: La Murka kiitos,äàðëÿ çà èíôîðìàöèþ!!!

Venefica: à êòî-íèòü ìîæåò òàê æå âûëîæèòü 2óþ ÷àñòü,êàê ïåðâóþ,÷òîá ÷èòàòü ìîæíî áûëî? ïîæàëóéñòà!

Emili: íàðîä, íó çàêîí÷èòå êòî-íèòü ïåðåâîä, ïîæàëóéñòà!!!!! à òî ó ìåíÿ äàëüøå íå èäåò äåëî, ÷óâñòâóþ ÷òî íå î÷åíü ïðàâèëüíî âûõîäèò

Suzy: La Murka òðóäÿãà Emili ïèøåò: íó çàêîí÷èòå êòî-íèòü ïåðåâîä, ïîæàëóéñòà!!!!! ïëèèèç!

La Murka: Venefica ïèøåò: à êòî-íèòü ìîæåò òàê æå âûëîæèòü 2óþ ÷àñòü nu ja ne znaju.. kto nit eshio xochet poprobovat? ja do piatnicy vechera ne pojavlius. tak shto podozhdite, please vsem pozhalujsta.

Venefica: La Murka ïèøåò: kto nit eshio xochet poprobovat? ÿ óæå 5 ðàç íàïðîáîâàëàñü.  ñìûñëå ïîíÿòü òî ïîíèìàþ,÷òî îí ãîâîðèò, íî íå âñå. Õîòåëîñü áû,÷òîá áîëåå ãðàìîòíûé â ýòîì äåëå ÷åëîâåê ïîìîã Âñå òàêè èíòåðåñíûå âåùè îí ðàññêàçûâàåò,à íå êàê âñåãäà -çà òóàëåòíóþ áóìàãó Áóäåì æäàòü

Kate Born: ß âðóáèòüñÿ íå ìîãó...÷òî íóæíî ïåðåâåñòè - òåêñò, èëè æå òî, ÷òî â ññûëÿõ ëåæèò? Ñ ïîñëåæíèìè ó ìåíÿ ñåðü¸çíûå òðàáëû, èáî èíåò æóòêî ãëþ÷èò è ñêà÷àòü íå ìîãó íè÷åãî. À ïåðåâîä ìîãó çàêîí÷èòü

Emili: Kate Born ïèøåò: ÷òî íóæíî ïåðåâåñòè - òåêñò, èëè æå òî, ÷òî â ññûëÿõ ëåæèò òåêñòKate Born ïèøåò: À ïåðåâîä ìîãó çàêîí÷èòü çàêîí÷è, åñëè ìîæíî

ïîëíàÿ âåðñèÿ ñòðàíèöû